Leadership Communication
In 2021 a leaderâs ability to have the conversations that matter most to the business will dictate the future of that business.
Poor communication isn’t a skill gap anymore, its a risk.
Our 2019 AITD Nominated Leadership Communication workshops are among Australia's leading experiential learning programs.
hear, and be heard
- Leaders increase their influence & learn to build trust when they learn to manage poor conduct & poor performance with clear & accountable crucial conversations.
- With solid & reliable coaching skills, leaders improve retention & engagement by assisting their team members to generate their own solutions.
- Increase accountability & capability uplift with simple & effective feedback conversations that reinforce desired behaviour & effectively alter undesired behaviour.
Leading Communication
at a glance
1.Ideal For:
- Frontline leaders
- Middle managers
- Senior leaders
2.High Level Overview
- Accountability & challenging conversations
- Advanced listening & questioning skills
- Strategic voice & body language techniques
- Always-effective Preparation & Reflection tools
- Feedback conversation frameworks & skills practice
- Coaching frameworks & skills practice
- Crucial conversations frameworks & sills practice
- Guided RealPlay & reflection
3.Delivery Mode
- Full Service Program: Develop your talentâs leadership communication skills at scale across multiple teams
- Integrated Support Module: Feature this workshop as
- Targeted Workshops: Address this specific skill gap across your organisation in multiple, standalone short programs specialised part of your existing internal programs
"They are communication gurus! I cannot recommend them enough. We have all learnt so much & look forward to continuing our partnership with Bard Learning."